WebSocket Example

This example will show you how can you can connect two pipelines connection using socket server connection.

what is socket

Socket is a peer-to-peer connection between two computers. You can imagine it like two computers have access to one directory and can share data between each other.

explain server/client consumer/producer

The pipeline you will create can be either a server or a client. Server is a script that listens on a certain IP address and port, client is the one who “connects” to a certain port of the server. Both client and server can be either consumers, meaning that consumer (consumes) the data, and producer is the one who produce the data. The specific combination of server/client consumer/producers mainly depends on what do you wanna do. In this example we will show both server/consumer - client/producer type of connection and server/producer - client/consumer connection.

Server consumer

Server consumer means that this pipeline will be waiting for any client trying to make a connection and if there is a connection with a client the server will get the incoming data into its pipeline. This server pipeline will use Websocket Source as its Source.

To create this kind of pipeline we have to use our WebSocketSource and specify the address and port on which it will listen for any possible connections. In this example we will run both pipelines on localhost, so you do not have to waste your time setting up your own network.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import bspump
import bspump.common
import bspump.web
import bspump.http

class SamplePipeline(bspump.Pipeline):

    def __init__(self, app, pipeline_id):
        super().__init__(app, pipeline_id)

            bspump.http.WebSocketSource(app, self),
            bspump.common.PPrintSink(app, self)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = bspump.BSPumpApplication(web_listen="") #set web_listen variable to the address you want

    svc = app.get_service("bspump.PumpService")

    # Construct and register Pipeline
    pl = SamplePipeline(app, 'SamplePipeline')

    #you have to use add_get method to set up address using the handler.
    app.WebContainer.WebApp.router.add_get('/bspump/ws', pl.WebSocketSource.handler)


You can copy-paste the code above. The pipeline is really simple the only thing you have to do is to add WebSocket Source. Just make sure to set up the web_listen variable in the BSPumpApplication object, and do not forget that you have to call the add_get method TODO

Now you can run the script and your server should be running listening for any possible connections.

Client producer

We have a running server, so now we have to create a client that can connect to the server and feed it with the data.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import bspump
import bspump.common
import bspump.http
import bspump.trigger

class SamplePipeline(bspump.Pipeline):

    def __init__(self, app, pipeline_id):
        super().__init__(app, pipeline_id)
        self.Counter = 1

        # self.Source = bspump.common.InternalSource(app, self)

            bspump.http.HTTPClientSource(app, self, config={
                'url': 'https://api.coindesk.com/v1/bpi/currentprice.json'
                # Trigger that triggers the source every second (based on the method parameter)
            }).on(bspump.trigger.PeriodicTrigger(app, 5)),

            bspump.http.HTTPClientWebSocketSink(app, self, config={
                'url': '',


if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = bspump.BSPumpApplication()

    svc = app.get_service("bspump.PumpService")

    # Construct and register Pipeline
    pl = SamplePipeline(app, 'SamplePipeline')


Creating the client is much more easier than the server. All you have to do is to use HTTPClientSocketSink with config where you specify the url of the server you want to connect to. In this case it is

what next

This example should have you given an idea how to use and connect pipelines using socket connection.