Docker File Quickstart


This tutorial will help you to create your own Docker image for your pipeline. First things first, I would recommend you to go through Docker Documentation if this is your first time with Docker.

quickstart to docker

Docker can help you with deployment of your app on other devices. Everything you need to do is to setup docker one device and then it works on every other device. Firstly you have to create docker image for you application. In our case we will create image for our BS Pipeline. To do that we have to firstly create a docker file for our pipeline.

We will be using code from one of our examples coindesk. You can simply copy paste the code and everything should be working if you have a bspump python module installed

docker file

Creating a docker file is very easy thing to do. You have only copy-paste the code below

FROM  teskalabs/bspump:nightly

WORKDIR /opt/coindesk


CMD ["python3", ""]

To explain what is does:

1. keyword FROM specifies what docker image you are using. In this case we will be using a “preset” for a bspump. This image is running on Alpine linux and has all libraries installed.

  1. WORKDIR specifies the name of your working directory to where other files will be copied

  2. COPY this command is used to copy any files you will be using including the source code of your app.

4. CMD is a command for running commands in your container. You have to write a command sequence as a list where each element is one word of the command. In our case we want to execute our program using python3

Creating docker image

To build your docker image use this command. Make sure to use -t switch and match <<your docker nickname>> to your docker login name. This must match for successful push of the image to the docker desktop.

docker build -t <<your docker nickname>>/<<name of your image>> .

Now you can try to run your docker image using:

docker run -it <<your docker nickname>>/<<name of your image>>

now your container should be running in your console. If you want to terminate it open another console and type

docker ps

This command will show you all your running containers and with

docker kill <<CONTAINER ID>>

It will terminate the container. Container ID should be found next to the running image after typing docker ps

If you want to see all containers that were initiated type

docker ps -a

Now if you want to use this image from other devices for docker compose for example. You can push the image to your repository using:

docker push <<your docker nickname>>/<<name of your image>>

if you haven’t tagged your container before use

docker tag <<name of your image>> <<your docker nickname>>/<<name of your image>>

Now you should have running docker container and you know how to push it to your docker hub. If you are still not sure how to use docker I would recommend to check docker documentation once again. Docker is not complicated, but it takes some time to get used to it.

additional commands


what next

if you have successfully created your own docker image you can try to connected your pipeline with other technologies like elastic search or kafka. Check our Install ElasticSearch and Kibana via Docker for working with docker compose.