Configuration Quickstart

In this tutorial you will learn about configuration in BSPump and how to use it.

What is configuration?

Every BitSwan object inside BSPump application can be configured using user-defined configuration options. It’s good practice to write configuration in .conf files, because making changes will be much easier.

Every object has default configuration values set in ConfigDefaults. If you set ConfigDefaults in your specific class you override same values in ConfigDefaults, which are inherited from the parent class.

Configuration .conf files in are built-in in ASAB, the platform on which BSPump is built. You can find more about it in ASAB documentation

There are 3 methods to configure object

1. By defining ConfigDefaults dictionary inside specific class

class MySQLSource(TriggerSource):

     ConfigDefaults = {
             'query': 'SELECT id, name, surname FROM people;'

2.Using config parameter in the object’s constructor

bspump.mysql.MySQLSource(app, self, "MySQLConnection1", config={'query': 'SELECT id, name, surname FROM people;'})

3. By creating .conf file

query = SELECT id, name, surname FROM people;


This example shows how to create a configuration file to get data from API via basic HTTPClientSource.

In first step we create .conf file where we store API key

url ={api_key}

[pipeline:SamplePipeline] in this line we specify which class the configuration applies to. Values below this line override the same values in ConfigDefaults of specified classes.

Configuration in .conf file is accessible via self.Config method (in this case we use self.Config['api_key'] to get API key from our .conf file)

In next step we have a sample pipeline that gets data through API using API’s URL and API key from .conf file. See more in coindesk.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import bspump
import bspump.common
import bspump.http
import bspump.trigger

class SamplePipeline(bspump.Pipeline):

    def __init__(self, app, pipeline_id):
        super().__init__(app, pipeline_id)
            bspump.http.HTTPClientSource(app, self,
            config={'url': self.Config['url'].format(api_key = self.Config['api_key'])}).on(bspump.trigger.PeriodicTrigger(app, 2)),
            bspump.common.StdJsonToDictParser(app, self),
            bspump.common.PPrintSink(app, self)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = bspump.BSPumpApplication()

    svc = app.get_service("bspump.PumpService")
    # Construct and register Pipeline
    pl = SamplePipeline(app, 'SamplePipeline')

Running your pump with configuration files

When you want to run your pump with configuration file there are two ways to do that.

In terminal

To run your pump with a configuration file, use -c switch in the terminal, after that switch there has to be file_path/file_name.conf.

For example when you have configuration file in same folder

~python3 -c mypumpconfiguration.conf

In your IDE

To run your pump in IDE you have to set the run parameters. For example in PyCharm you have to go to Run -> Edit Configurations… and then change the run parameters to -c file_path/nameOfYourConfig.conf

IDE Configuration